Queretaro is the state with the highest aerospace FDI

QUERETARO - Queretaro has become the leading state in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the aerospace sector in the country and proof of this was the completion of six investment announcements for the state, representing more than US$117 million and the generation of 1,950 new jobs in the short term.
Marco Antonio del Prete Tercero, head of the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (Sedesu) of Queretaro, mentioned that these six investment announcements were made during the Paris Air Show in France last June.
In an interview with A21, the state secretary said that with this investment, the number of indirect jobs generated could double; almost 4,000, due to the development of suppliers and the contracting of indirect services, among others.
He specified that of these investment projects, the largest was by Safran, for US$93 million and the generation of 800 jobs.
This project is the installation of a turbine test bench, which represents a step forward, since this bench is added to the plant and to the repair of engines.
"With a test bench for maintenance, the process is expanded, not only for manufacturing and maintenance, but it also opens the door to the manufacturing of more complex propulsion elements," he said.
Del Prete Tercero added that there are also projects from the Canadian company Delastek, which makes aircraft cabins and solar panels; ITP Aereo, which manufactures turboparts; General Electric; Albany, a components company; and the assembler Airbus.