Querétaro lost 13,027 jobs during December

QUERETARO - During December, 13,027 jobs were lost in the entity, according to records of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).
The decrease in formal employment was more pronounced compared to December 2022 when 12,458 job losses were reported.
Among the jobs lost in December 2023, 66.4% (8,647) were permanent and 33.6% (4,380) casual.
With the December decrease, the entity loses the historical record of formal employment that it reached in November when there were 708,309 workers registered with the IMSS.
Thus, 32,673 jobs were generated in 2023, below (-3.7%) the 33,933 jobs accumulated during 2022.
In January alone 6,068 jobs were registered in Queretaro, in February 7,539, in March 5,225, in April 1,528, in May 4,858, in June 992, in July 1,267, in August 7,892, in September 3,544, in October 5,205, in November 1,582, added to the -13,027 in December.
Thus, Querétaro ended the year with 695,282 jobs, experiencing an annual growth of 4.9% with respect to the 662,609 jobs reported as of December 2022.