Querétaro promotes cluster network with strategic sectors

QUERETARO - The State Cluster Network was presented in the state, which is made up of seven clusters in the automotive, aerospace, medical, plastics, logistics, energy and wine industries.
The network is made up of the Querétaro Automotive Cluster, the Aerocluster, the Querétaro Medical and Health Cluster, the Querétaro Energy Cluster, the Querétaro Plastics Cluster, the Cluster for Logistics Innovation (Cilqro) and the Wine Cluster.
The Ministry of Sustainable Development (Sedesu) will chair the network that brings together seven sectors that operate under the triple helix model, a system that consists of joining the efforts of the private sector, academia and government.
The objective of the network is to strengthen collaboration between sectors that are key and strategic to local industry, in addition to detecting opportunities to create cross-cutting projects, explained the head of Sedesu, Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero.
Through the network, he added, operational and governance criteria were standardized, providing certainty to the industrial and business sector, while promoting the institutionalization of clusters. The purpose, he said, is to guarantee the operational excellence of these organizations.
The branches that are part of the network complied with the requirements requested by Sedesu, in addition to carrying out actions to certify quality systems before the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA).
The members of the network will have the task of promoting research and technological development in the state, as well as contributing to the integration of MSMEs, among other things.