Querétaro will seek aerospace investment in Texas

QUERETARO - The Secretary of Sustainable Development, Marco Antonio del Prete Tercero, said that in the second week of March, State Government authorities led by Governor Mauricio Kuri Gonzalez, will tour the state of Texas in the United States, seeking to attract investment in favor of the aerospace industry in Queretaro.
The state official said that the tour seeks to link Mexican companies working in Texas in that sector, to strengthen trade relations directly with the state, remembering that Queretaro is a spearhead in the aerospace industry nationwide.
"We are defining dates, surely it would be the second week of March (…) Texas has an important participation in the aerospace sector, particularly in the space sector, there are a large number of Mexican companies that are working there and we seek to strengthen the link between Queretaro companies with Mexican companies that are working there to promote trade, "he said.
The head of SEDESU, said that the tour will be based on the promotion of the state to attract companies and therefore, investment from industries installed in Texas, indicating that there is interest from them in the energy industry and aerospace itself.
"It is a tour of promotion, of prospecting, of offering the state, especially to Texan businessmen who have great interest in the opening, there is much interest in taking advantage of spaces for the generation of energy and strengthening the industry, and well, the energy industry has presence, it is a reality, but the aerospace industry is the one that has great presence in Texas", mentioned Del Prete Tercero.