Queretaro’s aerospace industry bets on diversification

QUERETARO, QRO – Market diversification is one of the main objectives of the aerospace industry in Queretaro, visualizing opportunities to increase its participation in defense.
The director of the Querétaro Aerocluster, José Antonio Velázquez Solís, explained that there are companies in the state that are already working on the development of defense platforms and that participate at a global level.
Starting this year, the cluster is planning to increase the visibility of local technological development capabilities, as well as participation in space and defense projects.
The process for the local industry to venture into defense is gradual, and it takes time to carry out training, education, visibility and other activities.
During 2021, the cluster and the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (Femia) advised five SMEs to identify the process they should follow for their incursion into this branch.
"It is the first step and it will take a long time. There are SMEs that to enter the aerospace industry took them five or six years, and for the defense issue I imagine it will be a special process, so it will take time,” stated the executive.
The minister of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero, added that the participation of the local industry in defense is still incipient, however, it is a process in which they are working hand in hand with the Aerocluster and the Aeronautical University in Queretaro (UNAQ), with the purpose of identifying productive processes that with some modification can supply this segment.
"It is an incipient participation, it is an effort being made by the cluster to generate not only SMEs but also to participate in the defense industry, which is very profitable for companies," the directive said.