Queretaro’s aerospace industry recovers its pre-pandemic activity: Aerocluster

QUERETARO, QRO - Three years after the first effects of the Covid-19 health contingency, the state's aerospace industry has recovered its pre-pandemic activity, said Verónica Méndez, president of the Querétaro Aerocluster.
The recovery of the industry is accompanied by a high demand of requirements for the companies installed in the state and that are part of the cluster.
At the moment, companies in the industry report double-digit growth, of approximately 10%, in requirements.
"We have been growing at double digits as a percentage of the requirements we were having. This is what is happening with the aerospace industry after the pandemic, we have not only reached the pre-pandemic numbers, but double-digit growth in terms of part number requirements and products offered by companies in the Aerocluster," said Méndez.
After resuming pre-pandemic figures, the local industry is working on defining its productive capacities in order to identify the opportunities generated by the relocation of suppliers (nearshoring).
Among the cluster's projects, it is working on the development of suppliers for the aerospace industry, supporting companies with the necessary information to join the supply chain as a certified supplier.