Queretaro’s economic activity grows in second quarter

QUERETARO – According to the publication of the Quarterly Indicator of State Economic Activity (ITAEE) by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), Queretaro recovered during the second quarter of this year 2021, registering an annual variation of 23.7%.
As for secondary activities, their annual variation increased during the said period by 37.5%. Specifically, the mining subsector grew by 32.1%; services, 19.2%; construction, 21.2%; and manufacturing industries, 45.4%.
The tertiary sector presented good results in its quarterly economic activity. The report indicates that its annual growth was of 17.2%, which represents a recovery based on the previous three months, where it registered a decrease of (-)2.3%.
On the other hand, the commercial subsector increased its annual variation by 27.4% from April to June 2021, while for the first quarter of this year its growth had only been 0.2%.
Source: Lider Empresarial