Sales of pre-owned cars in Queretaro fall

QUERETARO - After pre-owned cars were an incentive in the sale of vehicles during the pandemic, they are now registering a 15% fall in the level of commercialization, explained the president of the Association of Automotive Vehicle Distributors (AMDA) in Querétaro, Laura Rodríguez Miranda.
Two factors are mainly involved in this decrease: the recovery of inventories of new units and the growing supply of Chinese brands that have arrived to the Mexican market.
"The number of pre-owned sales has decreased, and this has to do with the large supply of Chinese vehicles," she said.
Nevertheless, pre-owned cars maintain an important participation in the local market; he estimated that, of the units sold from January to May of this year, around 28% are pre-owned cars.
With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the supply and production chains of automobiles came to a halt, reducing the inventories of the distributors.
Laura Rodríguez recalled that at that time, part of the demand was covered with pre-owned cars, so that these units were revalued even at the price at which they were initially purchased.
Four years after the sanitary contingency, the reestablishment of the production lines has once again strengthened the inventories of new vehicles.
In addition to this situation, the market is being impacted by the entry of Chinese brands, which are offering a range of cars at competitive prices.