San Diego may not see fast rebound of air travel

San Diego may not see fast rebound of air travel

SAN DIEGO – San Diego’s airport has suffered as the COVID-19 pandemic discourages people from flying in airplanes.

A new survey finds that suffering may continue for some time. Industry watchers think, based on public opinions about travel that a recovery will take a several years.

The survey of travelers was put together by business consultant Oliver Wyman. Their poll found there is a pent up demand for airline travel but concerns about the pandemic will keep Americans from traveling.

The poll found 60% of the people they surveyed are looking forward to traveling again and California could benefit.

Oliver Wyman partner Bruce Spear says once travel resumes San Diego should benefit.

“Given the size of the economy and the appealing destinations in California. I would say it’s probably better situated than some other states,” Spear said.

The survey also found people won’t travel until the government or World Health Organization says it is safe. Safety is a primary concern and half of those surveyed feel hotels and planes are safe.

Spear said that one of the challenges is the ability to control the overall experience.

“So while comfort with traveling might have been over 50%, and hotels not far behind, comfort with ride-sharing was half that. The question is ¿how do you make sure that customers are okay traveling when no one provider can really secure the end to end experience?”

Spear says people are also waiting to hear if it is safe from the government or World Health Organization.

Source: kpbs
