San Luis Potosi Automotive Cluster appoints new director

SAN LUIS POTOSI – The San Luis Potosi Automotive Cluster has a new director. Mr. Luis Alberto González Olvera will support the cluster, guided by his experience in the private sector in the areas of market intelligence, sales and strategic planning.
Given the new era of autonomous movement and digital business that Mexico is experiencing after the COVID-19 pandemic, several companies and automotive clusters are strengthening their businesses and innovating in the supply and development of their brands. Thus, Mr. Luis Alberto González Olvera is introduced as the new director of the Automotive Cluster of San Luis Potosí.
Luis Alberto González Olvera, who has worked for the last five years in the Public Sector in areas related to Talent Linkage in the State, Business Training, Organizational Development, Human Development and Competitiveness.
In addition, the directive has more than 16 years of experience in the Private Sector in the areas of Market Intelligence, Sales and Strategic Planning, is already serving as director of the cluster
Source: Cluster Industrial