Second Mexico-US semiconductor collaboration forum hosted in Tijuana

TIJUANA, BC - As the semiconductor industry is a growing opportunity to generate jobs and welfare for Baja California families, the Second Mexico-US Collaboration Forum was held, with the participation of diplomatic representatives from both countries, as well as the business sector and higher education institutions.
The forum was held on the campus of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), in the city of Tijuana, where Governor Marina del Pilar Avila Olmeda explained that the state has a series of competitive advantages that have allowed it to build a solid electronic manufacturing ecosystem for decades, as well as an environment conducive to innovation.
"Growth prospects indicate to us that the semiconductor industry will reach $720 billion in 2024 and will maintain its sustained growth at an annual rate of 10.8 percent to reach $1.2 trillion in 2029," Avila explained.
The governor added that these figures represent significant progress in terms of generating job opportunities, especially for young people, which is why a model known as the triple helix has been maintained, comprised of the government, business and academic sectors.
"In Baja California we have witnessed how the semiconductor industry drives the creation of high quality jobs, cultivates the generation of talent and promotes collaboration between academia, industry and government. The presence of leading companies in the sector has generated a multiplier effect on the local economy, attracting complementary suppliers and services and strengthening the regional supply chain," said the governor.
During the forum, it was explained that the world is facing a growing demand for semiconductors, which gives Baja California a privileged position in the international arena, in view of which government actions have been oriented towards the promotion of technical training programs, research centers and the implementation of tax incentives to strengthen the arrival of new investments.
In addition, in her speech, the governor reiterated that the Otay 2 border crossing will soon be up and running, with the aim of speeding up the interaction between Mexico and the United States and opening new opportunities for the exchange of products and, therefore, to detonate the economy at the binational level.
The event was attended by the Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, Mark Coolidge Johnson; the U.S. Consul in Tijuana, Thomas Reott; the rector of the UABC, Luis Enrique Palafox Maestre; the Secretary of Economy and Innovation of Baja California, Kurt Ignacio Honold Morales and the national president of CANIETI, Enrique Yamuni, among other personalities from academia and the business sector.