Second runway at Guadalajara’s airport to start operations in May

GUADALAJARA, JAL - Next May, the second runway of the Guadalajara International Airport will be in operation and by the end of the year the expansion and remodeling works considered in the investment plan for the 2020-2024 five-year period will be completed.
"The second runway will start operations in May; at this moment the verifying plane of the Secretariat (of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport) is already doing the certifications that is part of the process; then, publications will have to be made and we will start operations in May", detailed the director of the tapatío airport, Martín Pablo Zazueta.
According to the executive, the works in Guadalajara required an investment of more than US$872 million; that is, half of the approximately US$1.7 billion of the five-year investment made by Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico (GAP) in the 12 airports it operates in the country.
Zazueta Chavez emphasized that with the new infrastructure, Guadalajara's airport will consolidate as the airport hub for the West of the country.
"Guadalajara has the opportunity, without a doubt, to consolidate itself as the hub of the West, we already are in many aspects, but we must have the capacity to take advantage of the opportunity we have of the deconcentration of traffic in Mexico City," said the director.
He added that work on the terminal building will be completed in the first half of the year, while the mixed-use building, which includes a hotel to be operated by the Hilton Garden chain, will be in operation next March, and the second stage of the parking lot expansion will also be completed in the first half of the year.