SICT approves program at Tepic airport

TEPIC, NAY - The Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) approved the Institutional Program of the majority state-owned company, Grupo Aeroportuario Turístico Mexicano, which will take over the Tepic Airport.
Through the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), the agency explained that it seeks to contribute to increasing air connectivity by expanding and modernizing airport infrastructure in order to boost regional growth.
It also seeks to improve operational safety and passenger service quality in accordance with national and international standards.
"The objective is to contribute to the general welfare of the population by increasing air connectivity, increasing operational safety and passenger service quality, and improving airport performance," he stated.
The works to be carried out will include: the construction of a new control tower, the extension of the runway, the extension and remodeling of the passenger terminal, the renovation of the vehicle fleet associated with airport operations, as well as the telescopic gangways and baggage recovery belts.
The SICT specified that the Tepic airport is a regional airport with international classification and is part of the Mexican Airport System. From 2010 to 2022 it had a growth in the flow of passengers served, annual average of 15.2%. The highest value was recorded in 2019, with 210,545 passengers; however, due to the sanitary crisis caused by COVID 19, in 2020 it decreased by 37%.