SLP and Nuevo Leon, leaders in Nearshoring in Mexico: SEDECO

NUEVO LEON- Juan Carlos Valladares Eichelmman, head of the Secretariat of Economic Development (SEDECO), said that with the arrival of new investments in the automotive sector, between the state of Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi, 75% of the country's nearshoring will be concentrated in the first quarter of 2023.
On the subject of new investments, the official said that at the end of this month a new investment will be announced, which he considered to be important, also in the automotive sector in the state, and that a new working tour in Japan is also being analyzed.
The official pointed out that this news is the result of the work that has been carried out previously, in addition to the work that was consolidated in the tour of Germany and Spain.
Finally, he reiterated that with the arrival of Tesla in Nuevo Leon and the investment of BMW Group for the manufacture of electric cars in San Luis Potosi, 75% of the country's nearshoring was concentrated in the first quarter of this year.