SLP reaffirms its support for the automotive cluster

SAN LUIS POTOSI - During the inauguration of the Nearshoring Automotive Industry Summit of Mexico, San Luis Potosi 2023, Governor Ricardo Gallardo Cardona affirmed that the state does support the strengthening of the automotive cluster with this type of event that brings production closer to the consumer territory, which translates into the arrival of new supply companies.
The state governor highlighted that in the first half of 2023 San Luis Potosí has more than US$206 million in foreign investment. In addition, together with Nuevo León, they have contributed with more than 75% of foreign investment to the country.
He added that this is due to the work carried out by the different agencies, from the work with companies and business chambers.
In this sense, he mentioned that his government is working hand in hand with the companies already installed and those that will arrive, in the search for alternatives to use clean energies.