Sonora could become the epicenter of nearshoring in Mexico

SONORA – The governor of Sonora, Alfonso Durazo Montaño, highlighted that the state has positioned itself as the epicenter of nearshoring in Mexico, which translates into an increase in exports and jobs.
In a report by the consulting firm Deloitte, Sonora is ranked as the state that has attracted the most foreign investment in the country. The main indicator measured by the report is employment, and Sonora leads with 37.4% of the new jobs generated in the country.
Durazo Montaño pointed out that much of Sonora’s success in nearshoring is due to the international promotion of Plan Sonora, such as in the European Union, Taiwan and at COP 27 and 28.
“This has allowed us to attract foreign direct investment; there is a very important increase in manufacturing production, there is an increase in the construction of housing and new industrial buildings, there is a very important increase in exports,” he commented.
Likewise, Sonora is in third place in terms of foreign investment, it has broken the annual average of the last few years, which has been US$300 million; it is also increasing its leadership within the northern border as the entity with the highest growth in mining, electric generation, manufacturing and construction.
The construction industry has grown 28% in the state, being one of the most dynamic in the country. In addition, Sonora leads the northern border in the manufacturing industry, with an increase in the production of installed factories.
Foreign direct investment in previous years was US$300 million, and at the end of the third quarter, foreign direct investment reached US$2.5 billion, a historic figure. Consequently, there is a historical figure in manufacturing and employment registration, of workers registered in the social security system.