Sonora strengthens its collaboration with Arizona to address energy issues

SONORA – The Sonora-United States Commission and the Arizona-Mexico Commission were re-launched to strengthen the border region in the energy sector.
During the Plenary Meeting of the Sonora-United States Commission, two memorandums of understanding were signed for the binational working groups on education for the internationalization and integration of educational systems, water quality and the environment for the cooperation and prosperity of both countries.
Before high-level business leaders and members of the public sector from Arizona and Mexico, the governor of Sonora, Alfredo Durazo, emphasized that the annual binational meeting has been a space of convergence for progress and collaboration between two states, two cultures and the same objective: to build a future of shared prosperity.
“Sonora and Arizona are charting a joint strategic path. Our regions have exceptional comparative advantages within the North American bloc, which is why our efforts are focused on emerging technologies with great geopolitical relevance, such as clean energy, the semiconductor industry and electromobility,” Durazo said.
Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs agreed on the importance of strengthening ties and underscored the relevance of this binational meeting for the present and future of both regions.
Ken Salazar, ambassador of the neighboring country in Mexico, affirmed that the United States is betting on Sonora and Arizona with projects such as the Port of Guaymas that will become the port of Arizona and celebrated the agreements of the Plenary meeting that are being built between both border states, thanks to their governors.
With the last phase of the consolidation of the Northwest Chapter of the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico (AMCHAM), the commitment to promote international business practices and create a collaborative ecosystem between the public and private sectors in the region is strengthened, with headquarters in Hermosillo, Sonora, a milestone reached thanks to the support of companies on both sides of the border, which marks the beginning of a new stage for Sonora and the United States, said Governor Alfonso Durazo Montaño.
The Secretary of Economy of the Federal Government, Marcelo Ebrard, recognized the collaboration efforts and affirmed that this initiative accelerates the integration between Sonora and Arizona.