Sonora’s government authorized 2,979 emerging credits for MyPes

SONORA – Sonora's government has already authorized a total of 2,979 emerging loans, in support of micro and small businesses due to the health contingency caused by the Covid-19, reported the minister of Economy, Jorge Vidal Ahumada.
"The emerging line was created, which has authorized more than 2,000 loans to support micro and small entrepreneurs and their employees; these are micro enterprises that range from self-employment to 50 employees," said the official.
Vidal Ahumada indicated that the Emergency Credit Evaluation Committee has met in order to authorize said aid in a quick manner and to provide a response to the applicants as soon as possible.
He recalled that last April the platform of the Financiera para el Desarrollo Económico de Sonora was opened with this new program, where 12,649 applications have been received to date.
"It is important to mention that Sonora has been a state that is one step ahead of this health contingency; regarding the support to vulnerable population and entrepreneurs," he emphasized.
The credits requested and approved will benefit entrepreneurs who are located in the municipalities of Agua Prieta, Alamos, Altar, Bacoachi, Bácum, Banámichi, Benito Juárez, Caborca, Cajeme, Cananea, Cumpas, Empalme, Etchojoa, Fronteras, among others.
Source: El Economista