South Korea sees Zacatecas as a potential investment destination

ZACATECAS - In a meeting with members of the Korea Automotive Industry Cooperation Association (KAICA), South Korea described Zacatecas as a potential investment destination.
It was indicated that the Government of Zacatecas offers facilities to be an investment destination, in addition to other benefits, such as its geographical position to reach its main market, which is North America.
Sara Hernández de Monreal, Honorary President of the State System for the Integral Development of the Family (SEDIF) and Rodrigo Castañeda Miranda, Secretary of Economy, met with members of the automotive business chamber in Seoul, South Korea, chaired by its Executive Director, Moon So Ko.
They explained the advantages that Zacatecas offers to Korean companies in this sector, so that those that are affiliated can receive information and learn about the benefits.
After presenting the investment models for Zacatecas, the potential of the state was highlighted due to its geographic location both on the Pacific route and on the route that leads to the north of the country and, specifically, to Texas, United States.
In addition to the qualified human capital of the state and the guarantees and facilities provided by Governor David Monreal Avila for the security of their investments.
For his part, the Executive Director of KAICA (Korea Auto Industries Cooperative Association), Moon So Ko, said that a lot of confidence is generated in this entity after the upcoming installation of Korean companies such as MR InfraAuto.