Sugar production increases in Mexico

MEXICO – National sugar production reported an increase of 8.28% over the same period last year, reaching a total of 5,715,448 tons, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
According to figures from the National Committee for the Sustainable Development of Sugarcane (Conadesuca), on July 28, sugarcane crushing concluded at the 49 sugar mills located in Mexico, bringing domestic production of refined sugar to 1,348,267 tons.
The federal agency detailed that the production of standard sugar is 3,410,438 tons; special white sugar, 182,721 tons; mascabado sugar, 35,876 tons; and sugar with pol less than 99.2, of export quality to the United States, 738,146 tons.
He specified that the 2020/21 harvest began on October 28, 2020 at the Plan de Ayala mill in Morelos and concluded on July 28, 2021 at the San Rafael de Pucté mill in Quintana Roo.
At the close of the 44th week of the sugar cycle, the final figures were: industrialized area of 789,996 hectares; cane milled, 51 million tons; and total sugar production of 5 million tons.
Source: El Economista