Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems arrives in Tabasco

TABASCO - Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems, Tear 1 supplier to the automotive industry, opened its first plant in Tabasco, which is a historic event for the state, as it is the first automotive plant in this locality, a product of nearshoring.
In an event attended by the Governor of Tabasco, Carlos Manuel Merino Campos, Shoji Takeuchi, Executive Vice President of Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems, explained that the company has more than 400 years of history and global presence.
He indicated that the firm supplies the world's leading automobile brands, such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, General Motors and Ford; and that now with its investments it contributes to Tabasco's development and technological innovation.
"I am a supporter that it is legitimate to give greater openness to investments; this has allowed us to a great extent to create decent jobs and generate income to the public treasury through the payment of fair taxes," he said.
The new plant is located in the Tabasco Business Center (TBC) Industrial Park, located in the municipality of Cunduacán; it is the first of its kind installed in Tabasco, in which more than 10 million dollars were invested.
The plant has been built on an area of 5,400 square meters and has 250 direct jobs; according to the most recent projections, it will reach 650 jobs by June of this year.