Suppliers could lose US$55 million due to work stoppages

CIUDAD JUAREZ – Ciudad Juárez’s maquiladora industry consumes an average of US$55 million per month in the national market, which is at risk if companies are stopped during the health emergency.
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), this was the expense that IMMEX manufactures made in 2019 on raw materials, containers and packaging purchased within Mexico, a figure that rose to US$61 million in January of this year.
Héctor Núñez Polanco, president of economic development of Ciudad Juárez A.C., commented that there is concern about the impact that this sector could have if the majority of the maquilas close and only those with medical lines are left open.
According to the Ministry of Health, only the manufacture of supplies, medical equipment and technologies for health care may continue to operate. Consequently, the rest of the industry would be required to remain closed until April 30.