Swiss automotive company to invest in Queretaro

QUERETARO, QRO – The Bajío Representative of the Swiss-Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Swisscham Bajío), Valentín Pfyffer, announced that by the second quarter of 2022 a Swiss automaker will invest in a manufacturing plant in Queretaro.
Although during the inauguration of Swisscham Bajio the leader of the Chamber did not reveal the name of the company that will invest in the state, he indicated that it will generate 200 jobs.
"There is a new investment to be made in an industrial park near Queretaro, and there are many companies with expansion plans. We hope that investment will continue to grow and more in 2022, which is the year of recovery," said Pfyffer.
It is worth mentioning that the Swiss-Mexican Chamber has 70 members in Mexico, 20 of which belong to the Bajio region.
At the event, the head of the Ministry of Sustainable Development (SEDESU), Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero, said that during his working tour of European countries he met with Nestlé representatives who informed him that they are planning expansion projects in the state.
Source: Lider Empresarial