Tamaulipas seeks alliance with Space X

TAMAULIPAS - As part of his work activities in the state of Texas, the governor of Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal Anaya paid a courtesy visit to the Starbase facilities, owned by aerospace manufacturer SpaceX.
According to the Government of Tamaulipas, Villarreal's visit marked the beginning of a collaborative relationship between the State and the North American firm.
Accompanied by the U.S. Consul General in Matamoros, Brianna Powers, the Tamaulipas governor was received by Kathy Lueders, director of Starbase, who recognized the possibility of starting a joint work for the development of projects of mutual interest.
“We can work together to accomplish our two important missions,” said Kathy Lueders, who heads the industrial and rocket launch complex of the leading space exploration company.
The visit of the governor of Tamaulipas took place within the framework of the National Space Activities Congress, which was held in Matamoros, and after his meeting with mayors of the Texas Valley.