Tamaulipas seeks to detonate new talent in the semiconductor sector

Tamaulipas seeks to detonate new talent in the semiconductor sector

TAMAULIPAS - As part of the strategies implemented in the state of Tamaulipas to train new talent in the semiconductor industry, the State Government signed a collaboration agreement with the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV).

Lucía Aimé Castillo Pastor, State Secretary of Education, and Alberto Sánchez Hernández, General Director of CINVESTAV, presided over the signing of this relevant agreement that will offer the possibility of training and educating specialists in semiconductor technologies.

The head of SET, stated that the consolidation of this alliance is part of the instructions of Governor Américo Villarreal Anaya, to promote higher education of excellence, which impacts on better conditions and opportunities for the people of Tamaulipas.

“We have to look for the way in which we are able to offer young people who are in training, choosing a career from the technical professional part of education, high school and universities. Careers that allow them to obtain better opportunities to live in well-being, with greater welfare and with a much more dignified life,” said Castillo Pastor.

For his part, the general director of the Research Center mentioned that one of CINVESTAV's main functions is to train new generations of professionals, especially in master's and doctorate degrees, so this collaboration agreement with Tamaulipas' educational institutions will strengthen the institution's capacity to have a greater number of specialists for the strategic areas required by the country.

Javier Rubio Loyola, director of CINVESTAV in the state, pointed out that Tamaulipas is the only state that produces discrete semiconductor devices, affirming that it has an enormous potential to expand its binational collaborations due to its proximity to the U.S. border.

With this collaboration agreement, researchers, teaching specialists and teachers from Technological and Polytechnic Universities, Technological Institutes, UAT, ITACE, CONALEP among other institutions of higher and middle education, will have the opportunity to learn new technological and pedagogical tools that will allow them to train young people with high levels of expertise in semiconductors.
