Tamaulipas signs agreement to build ecological cookstoves

TAMAULIPAS - The System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF) of Tamaulipas, and the Tamaulipas Institute of Training for Employment (ITACE), signed a collaboration agreement for the manufacture of ecological stoves.
According to the Government of Tamaulipas, these stoves will be destined to families in communities with high and very high marginalization conditions.
The general director of DIF Tamaulipas, Patricia Lara Ayala, and the general director of ITACE, Claudia Anaya Alvarado, were responsible for signing the agreement, which establishes the elaboration of a total of 56 ecological stoves, in a first stage.
The document details that the DIF System will be responsible for providing the inputs for the manufacture of the devices, while the manufacturing will be carried out by ITACE students in the workshops of that institution, to finally carry out its delivery in the communities that most need it.
The initiative is carried out through the Community Development program of the state DIF, which allows the care of health and the environment, in addition to saving on the use of firewood, contributing to the family economy.