Tamaulipas student wins “Infomatrix” 2024

Tamaulipas student wins “Infomatrix” 2024

TAMAULIPAS - A mechatronics student, in the area of automation, from the Technological University of Matamoros, won the Ibero-American contest of Student Projects in Science and Technology “Infomatrix” 2024, held in China,

Arturo García Gómez developed the project 'Disap-Braille', a device designed to improve the teaching and learning process of the Braille system, combining tactile technology with voice commands, which makes it a key tool for people with visual disabilities.

The young man from Tamaulipas won first place in the robotics category; in addition, the jury chose him as the best in the entire contest, earning him, along with his advisor, Ricardo Treviño Parras, master in robotics and professor at UT Matamoros, the platinum medal, the highest award given by the prestigious contest, where students from all over Ibero-America participate.

Diana Masso Quintana, UT Matamoros rector, highlighted the ability of the university's students to innovate, as well as their commitment to inclusion and social development, with projects such as 'Disap-Braille'.

“This important achievement is a clear reflection of the effort, dedication and talent of Tamaulipas students, who continue to position themselves as referents in the field of technological innovation,” said Masso.

He also thanked the support received by the Tamaulipas Secretary of Education and the Tamaulipas Council of Science and Technology in the promotion of educational and technological development in the state.

Prior to his participation in Infomatrix 2024, Arturo García Gómez won with this project in the 25th Creativity and Technological Innovation Contest-ExpoCiencias Tamaulipas 2023, in the CECIT State Contest, and in the national contest Somos el Cambio 2023, and participated in the International Scientific Summer for Outstanding Students, held in Guadalajara.

The Ibero-American Contest of Student Projects in Science and Technology 'Infomatrix' began in 2007, is organized by the Latin American Society of Science and Technology (SOLACYT) and involves students from 5 to 25 years old, whose purpose is to support students and their projects so they can have an implementation in the social environment and be entities of change, innovation and entrepreneurship.
