Tamuín airport expansion project moves forward

TAMUIN, SLP - The project to expand the Tamuin airport in the Huasteca Potosina region is moving forward, and will receive federal resources and support for its consolidation.
In this sense, state authorities emphasized that satisfactory progress is being made in this project, which is expected to increase the connectivity of the state with other regions of Mexico and the world, due to the services it will offer.
After a meeting with the building's administrators, the head of the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR), Juan Carlos Machinena Morales, commented that the new facilities will be used to create an "Air School".
This academy will train pilots for the operation of small airplanes that will open the skydiving service and turn it into a new tourist product in the Huasteca Potosina.
It will also have a 2.5 kilometers long runway, which will allow the arrival and take-off of larger aircrafts, in addition to the modernization of the control tower and the terminal area.
He also mentioned that the new air terminal will increase the connectivity of the entity, which will allow the arrival of aircrafts from cities in other latitudes of the world, including North America.