TechOps to recruit 100 employees in Queretaro

QUERETARO – TechOps Mexico, an aircraft maintenance company, issued a call to recruit 100 employees at its Queretaro operations center.
The demand for the company's personnel is related to aircraft maintenance services, which continue to be in high demand, since these are units that require revision even when they are not in constant overflight, explained the minister of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio del Prete Tercero.
The requests for collaborators, he said, is also a mentioning of the recovery process that the aeronautical industry is undergoing, after the contraction it experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In the aviation industry, although production slowed down for obvious reasons, maintenance increased significantly because there are parts of the aircraft that, even if they don't return, have to be maintained," he explained.
The people chosen will go through a three-month training process, to later enter production at the plant; he assured that competitive salaries will be offered.
Among the requirements are at least a high school education and a basic knowledge of English.
Source. El Economista