Tesla requests environmental permits to build its Nuevo Leon plant

NUEVO LEON - Tesla Manufacturing Mexico, a subsidiary of U.S. electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla, requested environmental permits from the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) for the construction of its plant in the municipality of Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon.
The project consists of the construction of a warehouse for the automotive industry on a 260-hectare site located in the Libramiento area in southwestern Tijuana.
The vegetation area includes rosetophytic desert scrub and microphilous desert scrub. The location is adjacent to the Monterrey-Saltillo highway, which would facilitate access and logistics.
The plant's objective is to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles in Mexico and North America, in line with the Nearshoring boom, which has led many companies to establish themselves in Mexico to take advantage of its skilled labor force and proximity to the U.S. market.
The project represents an estimated investment of US$90 million. The application for environmental permits is the first known step of a total investment valued at US$5 billion.