Tesla will drive the creation of more data centers in Mexico

MEXICO - Tesla's arrival in Mexico and the quest for automation will not only put pressure on the automotive industry, but also on Data Centers and telecommunications networks.
"Musk's company, which electrifies and tries to automate vehicles, as well as its production processes, drive a high demand for Data Centers, since through these infrastructures it is possible to generate and store all the information of its operations," said Holly Garcia, vice president of the Data Centers business unit, Panduit.
The electrification of cars will also require the installation of a greater number of chargers, and with the help of data centers, information can be collected from places where such sites already exist to make the network more efficient.
Also factories dedicated to the manufacture of car parts, as the production of electric cars by Tesla and other automotive companies such as BMW, General Motors, Volkswagen and Ford develops, will need to automate their processes.
"Tesla will start with electric cars, but these vehicles can also be driven autonomously, but to achieve this requires a very high connectivity and, in the end, all that information communication goes to a Data Center that becomes the heart of the back and forth of the information of companies like Tesla," explains Jorge Bleizeffer, sales manager for the north, west and pacific zone of Panduit Mexico.
In Mexico, the development of Data Centers is booming. According to data from the consulting firm Statista, the country has 154 Data Centers. Most of these infrastructures are located in Querétaro, due to the fact that it is not a seismic site and that there is still land available to build more sites.
However, also in Guadalajara, Monterrey and even in Mexico City. Kio Networks, Telmex, Huawei, Panduit, Megacable and Ascenty are some of the companies that have Data Centers.
The latter company, of Brazilian origin, revealed that this year it began construction of its third Data Center in Queretaro and will be ready in 18 months after an investment of US$150 million.