Texas donates 500,000 Pfizer vaccines to Nuevo Leon

NUEVO LEON – The Governor of Nuevo Leon, Samuel Garcia Sepulveda, informed that Texas authorities donated 500,000 Pfizer vaccines to the state, with which it is expected to immunize against Covid-19 to all children between 5 and 14 years of age, through the Cross Border Vaccination Program.
"The Cross-Border Vaccination Program is going to allow us to have the logistics to increase from 3,000 to 5,000 vaccines daily, including Saturday and Sunday," García Sepulveda affirmed.
He assured that this will allow Nuevo Leon to become the first state that in the next three months will have vaccinated its entire population aged 5 years and older.
This donation of vaccines is the result of having alliances with Texas in the areas of commerce and health, he emphasized.
To date, 165,000 children have registered for this program, however, the governor asked not to go to the Colombia Bridge if your registration has not been confirmed.
Source: El Economista