Tlaxcala university students to be linked to Mexico’s aerospace industry

TLAXCALA - Tlaxcalan students from different university institutions could be linked to Mexico's aerospace industry thanks to the Misión Colmena project, which recently launched a miniature robot to study the surface of the Moon.
This linkage will be managed by Senator Ana Lilia Rivera Rivera and engineer Gustavo Medina Tanco, director of the Mexican space project Misión Colmena and member of the Space Experimentation Laboratory of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), which recently took a mini-robot weighing 57 grams and less than 12 centimeters to the orbit of the Moon.
In a press conference, Senator Ana Lilia Rivera detailed that the Hive Mission was the result of an investigation since 2015 in conjunction with 250 Mexican engineers, biologists, physicists, chemists, psychologists and lawyers, young people who belonged to different public universities in Mexico.
Therefore, he emphasized that they will seek the linkage so that Tlaxcala students can access resources for studies in medicine, technology, environment and clean energy, this through its promotion of the Law of Science and Technology to ensure that science is a human right and improve the life of society.
In addition, together with Misión Colmena, they will seek that in Tlaxcala there are careers that offer benefits to the aerospace industry, as she recalled that she has been the only Mexican politician invited to a NASA rocket launch.
In his message, Gustavo Medina Tanco explained that Misión Colmena will consist of three missions to the moon in 2024, 2027 and 2030 to corroborate the quality of Mexican space technology designed by university students and to collect samples of lunar dust for study.
Likewise, he stressed that the first mission was 75 percent successful, because when NASA's Peregrine One spacecraft entered the Pacific Ocean it caught fire and the samples were lost; however, they will continue with the work to develop new technology and software to study space, since it is there where there will be economic activity for the Earth in the future.