Toyota foresees collaboration agreement with UPQ

GUANAJUATO – Executives from Toyota Manufacturing Machine, a Japanese automotive company located in Apaseo el Grande, Guanajuato, visited the facilities of the Polytechnic University of Queretaro (UPQ) in order to strengthen ties and generate a collaboration agreement between industry and academia.
"In this visit we showed the facilities that the UPQ has so Toyota can make use of them and offer a model of continuing education," said the rector of the UPQ, Carlos Contreras Lopez.
For their part, Toyota authorities expressed their interest and willingness to create synergies with the UPQ, which is why they spoke with career directors and interviewed 15 students of Computer Systems Engineering, in order to offer them a job opportunity in the near future.
The meeting was attended by the plant's general manager and representative, Raul Amaya, and the General Affairs specialist, Monserrat Aguilar, as well as UPQ staff and students.
For those interested in studying in Queretaro, the institution offers hybrid programs in Mechatronics Engineering, Automotive Technology, Manufacturing Technologies, Computer Systems and Networking and Telecommunications. It also offers bachelor's degrees in International Business and Business Administration and Management.
The degree programs have a duration of three years and four months and all are accredited by the Interinstitutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education (CIEES) and the National Association of Engineering Schools and Colleges.
Source: Lider Empresarial