Transportation equipment exports recover

QUERETARO – Queretaro's exports for the manufacture of transportation equipment resumed the value generated in the pre-pandemic period.
From January to September 2021, the value of the state's exports in this segment amounted to US$5,371.3 billion, a figure that indicates a growth of 32.2% in relation to the US$4 billion valued in the same period of 2020, reveal Inegi.
However, the value of the first nine months of 2021 already represents a 15.7% growth in relation to the same period of 2019, before the effects of the pandemic, when it totaled US$4.6 billion.
During the first quarter of 2021, the value of exports for transportation equipment manufacturing amounted to US$1.75 billion, in the second to US$1.74 billion and in the third to US$1.87 billion.
From 2019 to the third quarter of 2021, the second quarter of 2020 was the period with a significant decrease in exports of this industrial sector, a period that coincides with the confinement due to COVID-19.
From January to September 2021, the manufacture of transportation equipment was the main support for exports, since it contributed 50.2% of the total value of the state's exports, which totaled US$10.7 billion in said period.
The manufacturing of transportation equipment is related to the performance of the automotive and aerospace industries that have a presence in the state.
The annual growth of this sector in the January-September 2021 period placed it as the fifth branch with the highest annual variation.
Source: El Economista