U.S. automotive industry requires Mexico to be competitive: Ebrard

UNITED STATES - In the presence of U.S. automotive entrepreneurs, the Secretary of Economy (SE), Marcelo Ebrard, highlighted that this sector represents 22 percent of total trade under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which has been a resounding success in bringing prosperity to the three countries.
Ebrard Casaubón visited Detroit, U.S. to strengthen Mexico's collaboration with the U.S. automotive industry, a key sector of North America's integrated economy.
The large automotive companies in the United States require Mexico to be competitive with other blocs,” said Ebrard during his participation in the forum Driving Shared Properity: The Critical Role of Open Trade in the Auto Industry, organized by the Detroit Regional Chamber.
The meeting was attended by 50 CEOs, CFOs and COOs of global mobility companies located in Southeast Michigan and the Windsor, Canada area, which also have operations in Mexico.
The Detroit Regional Chamber acts as the voice of business in the 11-county Southeast Michigan region, with a mission of fostering a business-friendly environment and providing value to members.
The institution also runs the statewide automotive and mobility cluster association, the Ministry of Economy noted. And he interacted with Mexican engineers who studied in Mexico and now work in the auto and auto parts industry in Michigan. He emphasized that the Mexican community in Detroit is a transformative force that drives the city's innovation, economy and culture.