U.S. reopens Coahuila-Texas border

CIUDAD ACUÑA – The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), informed that activities are resuming gradually at the Ciudad Acuña-Del Rio International Bridge.
The U.S. office detailed that the crossing will be open to passenger vehicles and pedestrians at 4:00 p.m.; while the commercial crossing determined for Monday will begin at 8:00 a.m.
During the week in which this border crossing between Coahuila and Texas remained closed, the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Ciudad Acuña registered losses of US$3.9 million.
Luis Ángel Urraza Dugay, president of the Canaco-Servytur of Ciudad Acuña, estimated daily losses of US$497.599 million, mainly in businesses offering health and beauty services, basic necessities, supermarkets and restaurants.
The economic impact could amount up to US$4.97 million due to the change in logistics that companies in the export industry made to move their merchandise across the Piedras Negras-Eagle Pass International Bridge.
Source: El Financiero