UACH and PROESMMA sign agreement to strengthen students’ ties with industry

CHIHUAHUA - The Faculty of Engineering (FING) of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) and PROESMMA, a leading company in engineering and manufacturing services, formalized a collaboration agreement aimed at strengthening the links between academia and the productive sector.
This agreement aims to promote joint projects in key areas such as engineering, technological innovation and advanced manufacturing. It will also allow students from the School to carry out professional internships, develop applied research and participate in specialized training programs.
During the signing ceremony, representatives from both institutions highlighted the importance of establishing strategic alliances to foster local talent and contribute to the economic and social growth of the state of Chihuahua.
Fabián Hernández Martínez, director of the School of Engineering, said, “With this agreement, the School reaffirms its commitment to offer opportunities for students to apply their knowledge in real environments, while PROESMMA benefits from the incorporation of highly trained young professionals.”
In addition, he emphasized that these experiences contribute to form not only more prepared engineers, but also organizational leaders with a deep understanding of the standards and demands of the mining industry, capable of generating significant improvements in the environments where they work.
“This type of collaboration consolidates the leadership of the UACH in the formation of competitive engineers and reinforces the role of PROESMMA as a reference in the national industry,” said Hernandez Martinez.