UACH seeks to join forces with Aptiv

JUAREZ, CHIH - In order to establish cooperation links in technological innovation, representatives of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua and the Chihuahua Secretariat of Innovation and Economic Development (SIDE) visited the Aptiv Technical Center in Mexico (MTC) to see the laboratories where high technology and patents are developed for their corporate.
The MTC, located in Ciudad Juarez, is one of the most important for the company worldwide, with several design lines among which are the industrial, software, chemical, validation, test and process, which is why the approach was given so that UACH students can benefit from the knowledge generated in the center and apply it.
The UACH reported that it is in constant transformation, therefore it seeks to strengthen ties with the technological development between students and the industrial sector to generate better prepared professionals for what companies and society demand.
Recently, the rector of the UACH, Luis Alfonso Rivera Campos, attended as representative of the University to the launching of the Route to Electromobility: Chihuahua, as part of the strengthening of the value chain and investment in the competitive market of the state.
The project is organized through SIDE, in coordination with the William Davidson Institute (WDI) of the University of Michigan. The secretary general of the UACH, Bujanda Rios coordinated links so that the university and SIDE are in constant communication to provide human capital to the different areas of professional application in electromobility in the entity and increase its competitiveness nationally and internationally.
On the subject of electromobility transition, we are working together with the United States and Canada, as there is a need to work together to increase infrastructure projects in the manufacturing of citrus minerals, electrification, semiconductors, automotive (electromobility), electrical and electronics, medical and pharmaceutical devices, and agribusiness.