United States certifies Mexico for shrimp exports

CHIAPAS – With the active participation of the industry, fishermen from Chiapas and Oaxaca reported positive results of 93% to inspectors verifying the construction, installation and proper use of sea turtle excluder devices (TEDs) from the United States. This agency reviews shrimp sustainability and turtle care.
Conapesca and Profepa emphasized that with these results, the certification of Mexican shrimp for export to the neighboring country to the north has been maintained. They pointed out that this achievement is a product of the follow-up to the work that has been coordinated and strengthened with the United States.
"We obtained a positive result in the overall evaluation of 93%. This is undoubtedly the result of the coordinated work between the sector and authorities, which is considered in the Emergency Action Plan for the Protection of Sea Turtles implemented with responsibility by the Government of Mexico for an orderly and sustainable fishery", they indicated.
With these actions, the Government of Mexico reaffirms its commitment to continue monitoring full compliance with the legal framework regarding TEDs, in order to guarantee the protection of sea turtles.
This qualification was made possible by the active support of the Ministries of the Navy and of the Environment and Natural Resources, through Profepa, which joined the training and awareness-raising tasks on TEDs, which have been carried out and will continue in the country's main ports.
This year, the national commissioner of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Octavio Almada Palafox, directly supervised the activities at the docks of Puerto Chiapas, Chiapas, and Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, prior to the TED verification visit in this infrastructure.
Source: Cluster Industrial