UPA and the Aerospace Industrial Park of Mazatlan sign collaboration agreement

AGUASCALIENTES – The Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes (UPA) and the Aerospace Industrial Park of Mazatlan signed a collaboration agreement that will allow the development of technological projects and the implementation of educational models such as internships and the UPA's dual training model.
The rector of UPA, Luis Carlos Ibarra Tejeda, pointed out that this alliance will generate opportunities for the professional training of UPA graduates, in addition to contributing to the economic development of the country, making it a model to follow.
"This project will benefit students from the eight academic programs of the institution, such as Aeronautics, Electronics, Mechatronics, Industrial, Automotive Mechanics, Energy, Computer Systems and the Bachelor's Degree in International Business," said Ibarra Tejeda.
Similarly, the rector of the UPA, emphasized that these actions keep the university as one of the best options for professional training for young people in Aguascalientes and the country, since it guarantees the employability of its graduates and the relevance of its educational programs with the business sector, thanks to the great collaboration it has made with distinguished national and international companies.
For his part, the developer of Mzt Aerospace, Lino Suarez Guzman, explained that this alliance with the UPA will contribute to the economic growth of the country and the region, since the installation of international firms will be sought, which will provide job opportunities for young university students in the areas of innovation and technology.
It is worth mentioning that this aerospace industrial park will be located 9 kilometers from the Mazatlán-Culiacán Highway, in an area of more than 260 hectares and will begin operations in its first phase in March 2023.
This park will have a private airfield, autonomous car testing circuit with IOT technology, labor training center, strategic fiscal precinct, hospital, green zone, airstrip, hotel zone, energy cogeneration space, design and research center, airstrip, among others; where UPA students will soon be able to work and/or develop internships in this great park.