UPAEP Innovates in Aerospace Engineering

PUEBLA - Aerospace engineering encompasses areas as diverse as propulsion, manufacturing and the integration of electronic systems for specific missions, as is the case of the success of the Milvus Rocket team from the Deanship of Engineering of the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) that participates in national competitions for launching rockets with payloads, highlighting the importance of electronics and environmental measurement in these missions.
In the context of the challenges and opportunities of the aerospace sector in Mexico, Omar González González, Director of the Faculty of Mechatronics, Bionics and Aerospace at UPAEP, spoke about the future of this industry in the country, highlighting both global challenges and local opportunities in this field.
He acknowledged recent international achievements, such as the successful SpaceX flight, and contrasted them with local challenges and goals. He emphasized that, although attention is often focused on manned space flight, there are multiple niches of opportunity within aerospace engineering that do not require going into space.
He explained that aerospace engineering encompasses areas as diverse as propulsion, manufacturing, and electronics systems integration for specific missions where the Milvus Rocket team has excelled.
One of UPAEP's outstanding achievements is its linkage with industry and academia. Omar Gonzalez mentioned the collaboration with Dr. Charles Galindo Junior, an expert with 30 years of experience at NASA and now a professor in the Dean's Office of Engineering at this university, who directs a laboratory for monitoring and exploring active volcanoes.
These types of projects not only address environmental issues, but also illustrate the breadth of the aerospace field, from monitoring volcanic emissions to studying extreme weather conditions.
In terms of infrastructure, UPAEP is investing significantly in new laboratories and advanced equipment. González González announced the construction of a new building with a larger capacity wind tunnel, which will benefit aerospace programs.