US Customs Compliance Challenges Faced by Manufacturers’s latest Audio Interview "US Customs Compliance Challenges Faced by Manufacturers features Robert M. Kossick. Mr. Kossick is a member of Harris Bricken’s international trade law group, a Board Certified International Attorney, Licensed Customs Broker, and Certified Export Specialist whose practice focuses on the planning, compliance, enforcement, and security dimensions of U.S. import and export transactions. With over twenty years of professional experience, he brings seasoned, specialized, and multicultural know-how and perspective to the analysis and resolution of customs and trade issues.
In the 15-minute Audio Interview, Mr. Kossick discusses these questions:
- How would you characterize the current customs compliance environment?
- What are the most common customs compliance challenges confronted by US manufacturers?
- What measures can be taken to mitigate US Customs compliance risk?
- What final thoughts can you share with us on the subject?