Viva Aerobus announces acquisition of a new flight simulator

MEXICO - The low-cost airline, Viva Aerobus, informed that it will acquire a new flight simulator for October of this year, a Full Flight simulator A320 CAE 7000XR.
Currently, it already has two of these simulators, which are located in its training center of excellence, located in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon; however, the company has two more, one located in Mexico City and another one in Toluca, State of Mexico.
"We have the latest technology in simulators. And they represent normal, abnormal and emergency procedures with 99% realism," explained Mayela Flores, Technical Training Director of the company.
She added that, with respect to the simulators located in the city of Monterrey, pilots come from all the bases in the country for training.
She added that annually 830 pilots go for training in Viva's flight simulators. The director added that the devices have the capacity to simulate the conditions of any airport in the world.
For Viva's board of directors, investment in training is a directly proportional investment in the safety of its operations, since the preparation of its crews is the best way to provide safety to its customers.