Viva Aerobus signs alliance to offset its carbon footprint

MEXICO – Mexican airline Viva Aerobus signed an alliance with Anaconda Carbon, a company dedicated to the promotion and development of renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and sustainability initiatives, in order to launch a voluntary carbon footprint offset program for its passengers.
The airline explained that with this agreement it will carry out a series of actions to neutralize the amount of GHG emissions, in addition to financially supporting projects to improve the environment.
"With this alliance, we become the only Mexican airline that allows passengers to voluntarily compensate their actual carbon footprint per flight and not a generic approximation," said Juan Carlos Zuazua, director of Viva Aerobus.
Users will now be able to choose the "offset carbon footprint" option by booking a flight through the website. Along with Anaconda, the company will calculate the actual footprint and indicate the corresponding amount to offset the emissions. Passengers who choose to make this payment will receive a certificate confirming their contribution.
By 2025, Viva Aerobus plans to reduce its CO2 emissions per seat per kilometer and CO2 per passenger per kilometer by more than 15%.
Source: A21