Zacatecas seeks investment of US$30 million

ZACATECAS - David Monreal Avila, Governor of Zacatecas, met with Ham Sangsik and Kim Seongsoo, president and vice-president, respectively, of MR InfraAuto, in order to attract investment to the state.
The Governor stated that Zacatecas has the mineral resources, industrial infrastructure, connectivity routes and qualified labor for the investment of the Korean company.
MR InfraAuto, a Korean company in the automotive industry dedicated to the production of fine blanking with extremely precise technology and function; it also supplies high quality parts and produces components for seats, door latches, transmission parts and brake pads for the automotive industry, is looking to invest approximately US$30 million in Mexico.
The meeting was arranged in collaboration with the Korean company Yulchon, which has an investment of US$35 million in Zacatecas and currently has 110 employees from Zacatecas; for this reason Lee Heunghae and Won Byunghee, owner and president of Yulchon Mexico, respectively, were also present.
The Governor was accompanied at the meeting by the Secretary of Economy, Rodrigo Castañeda Miranda; the Director of the Zacatecas Trust, Judith Trejo Cárdenas, and the Director of Investment Promotion Management, Yannick Berchtold.