Zero emission mobility strategy for BC and BCS developed

BAJA CALIFORNIA - With the objective of promoting and developing a zero-emission mobility strategy for the states of California, Baja California and Baja California Sur, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation (SEI), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) held the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Planning Forum at the Xochicalco University, Tijuana campus, informed Kurt Honold Morales, head of the SEI.
During the opening ceremony Honold Morales highlighted that, for Baja California, electromobility is a reality. From a strategy to meet the sustainable development goals that are key for this administration, the environmental axis but also from the competitiveness of the productive sectors.
“The importance in trade relations between California and Baja California strongly links us. For this reason, we are gathered here to work in a coordinated manner that allows us to learn about their experience, as well as to develop a strategy for a transition to effective and affordable electromobility in Baja California,” said Honold Morales.
He added that this initiative, which emerged within the framework of the “US-Mexico Joint Working Committee 2023” held in Mexico City, seeks to generate cooperative conditions for the transition to zero-emission mobility and facilitate the transformation of heavy-duty transportation to electric tractor-trailers, in accordance with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) schedule foreseen for 2035.
U.S. Consul General in Tijuana Christopher Teal said the CaliBaja region is the most dynamic area along the southern U.S. border and mobility is critical to its success. In addition to efficient transportation, improving electromobility is also critical to our climate transition and clean energy goals for the region.
“The decisions states and cities make to create enabling environments for fleet operators and individual users directly impact the decisions of businesses and individuals. Dialogues like the one we are having today will help us develop plans for operating standards and the installation of electric vehicle chargers to ensure a smooth transition” commented Teal.
Dr. Miguel Isaías Salgado Cota, director of graduate studies at the Universidad de Xochicalco, Tijuana campus, said: “This type of forum allows us to get closer to both the government and companies...and to the possibilities of economic development because they strengthen what we propose for our own students...with a concept of competition so that in the end, they can go out and contribute to a sector of our society”.
In the panel “Statewide Electric Vehicle Planning Outcomes and Goals” given by Brennan Borlaug, researcher at the Center for Integrated Mobility Sciences, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), attendees discussed the development of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in the United States and the opportunities and challenges of EV charging in the region.
While the forum “Overview of Baja California's Electric Vehicle Landscape”, led by Michael Green, U.S DOT, Maria de los Angeles Lozano Montañez, Coordinator of Savings and Efficient Use of the State Energy Commission (CEE) of Baja California, and the Coordinator of Strategic Projects of the Institute for Sustainable Mobility of Baja California, Dinora González, highlighted the leadership in the development of electric vehicle charging networks, and investment opportunities to create statewide electric vehicle charging plans.
In addition, workshops were held on: Intergovernmental coordination for electric vehicle planning, alignment of electric vehicle charging networks with power supply, charging infrastructure and medium to heavy-duty vehicles, and California's electric vehicle regulations. Plus case study: state agencies in practice.
During the information day held with the participation of through SEI's Directorate of Strategic Productive Investment Projects, in conjunction with the State Energy Commission, SEI's Undersecretary of Economic Planning, Saul De los Santos and Guadalupe Contreras, Mexico Country Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) were present.
In addition to representatives from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), Baja California division, Basic Services Supplier Baja California division, National Chamber of Freight Transportation (CANACAR), Sustainable Mobility Institute of Baja California (IMOS), Ministry of Environment and DOT, and the Mexican Ministry of Transportation (SEI), were also present.