NAICM, option to consolidate CDMX as a Cargo Hub
We are still four years away from the kickoff of operations at Mexico City’s New International Airport, (NAICM), and there…
New center focuses on resilient materials
University of California researchers are joining forces with their counterparts in Baja California to design, manufacture and test materials that…
Industrial investment in Tamaulipas on the rise
Around US$900 million have been invested so far in new businesses from the Maquiladora Industry installed in the border region…
BMW starts hiring staff for its SLP plant
The automotive assembler BMW, has already hired its first 100 employees for its San Luis Potosi headquarters, which will start…
Driving pecan nuts exports to China
The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, (SAGARPA), coordinated the visit of a commercial mission of entrepreneurs…
Statistics Issue 81
Mexico’s Auto Industry Roars
Electronics Disrupts Auto Sector By Sergio L. Ornelas, Editor MEXICONOWBlurred industries. Our recent visits to the two most important trade…
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Excerpt from the 2015-2016 World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report MEXICONOW Staff Report The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published…
Customs and Infrastructure Challenge International Trade Logistics
By Graeme Stewart Logistics and infrastructure were two hot topics at the MexicoNOW’s Automotive Industry Summit held in Leon recently…
Imported Used Heavy Trucks Hurts Mexican Market
MEXICONOW Staff Report There have been some huge gains made in the production of heavy trucks and buses. In the…
Experts in the Automotive Cutting Room MEXICONOW Staff Report Lectra provides integrated technology solutions and associated services for industries using…
Innovate or Crash
The Rebirth of the Auto Gospel MEXICONOW Staff Report Like every other industry, the automotive sector relies heavily on Research…
Rail and Ports Cause Auto Companies Concern
Mazda’s Egawa Weigh in on Logistics Challenge By Graeme Stewart Logistics came under the spotlight at the recent MexicoNOW’s Auto…
Toyota is the Icing on the Cake of Japan’s Auto Investments in Mexico
Jun Umemura Cheers new US$1 Billion plant MEXICONOW Staff Report Mexico has always benefited from the Japanese motor companies that…