Business, Civic Leaders Launch Juarez Competitiva Movement
Event to Show World Resurgence of Globally-Competitive Region In the pursuit of peace and the hopes of ending the violence…
Thinking ‘Bric?’ – Overseas Data May Not Paint Big Picture
We heard it in the last century: “The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.” In…
Electronic Manufacturing Services Grow in Mexico
Opportunities Exist Including Supply of Components Demand for consumer and industrial electronics, coupled with advanced production capabilities and proximity to…
Selling or Delivering Products Manufactured by Maquiladoras Into Mexico
Can Maquiladoras sell or deliver their products into the Mexican market? Every now and then, any given plant manager of…
Maquiladora Industry Leaps Over Troubled Waters
Threats and Opportunities Abound Mexico’s Maquiladora Industry just reached its 45 th anniversary! The industry, which officially began with a…
GE Capital – The Best Financial Solution for your Maquiladora Operations
GE has developed a specific business unit to take care of non-Mexican companies operating in Mexico under Maquila (IMMEX) programs….
Roberto Coronado – Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Fed economist sees growth for closelytied U.S. and Mexico economies; China getting into maquila supply picture Federal Reserve economist Roberto…
Luis Aguirre – President, CNIMME
How many member-companies are in the CNIMME? The National Council of Manufacturing and Maquiladora for Exportation has now confirmed 1,200…
Dinesh Kumar Jain – India Ambassador to Mexico
What is the role that Mexico plays for Indian investment in North and Central America? Both India and Mexico are…
India in Mexico
India-Mexico relations have long been characterized by warmth, friendship and commonality of views on a wide range of issues. Among…
Statistics Issue 52
North West Zone – Issue 52
++heineken++ Heineken invests in starch plant in Mexico Monterrey, Mexico.- Heineken, the multinational brewery, the Mexican firm Capitales Dharma and…
Central Zone – Issue 52
++iberdrola++ Iberdrola will build a plant in Mexico Madrid,- Iberdrola, the Spaniard company in the energy sector, informed last Monday…
North Central Zone – Issue 52
++hawkerbeechcraft++ Hawker Beechcraft expands in Chihuahua Chihuahua, Chihuahua,- Hawker Beechcraft is currently working on the development of their second plant…