Statistics Issue 69
Mexico Gets Contrasting Competitiveness Ratings by Renowned Institutions
ATKearney FDI Confidence INDEX IMCO The International Competitiveness Index for 2013 MEXICONOW Staff Report The Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO)…
United States in MĂ©xico
Neighbors Set Record Trade and Investment Figures MEXICONOW Staff Report The relationship between Mexico and the United States is wide…
Statistics Issue 67
Balance of 20 Years! MEXICONOW Staff Report The U.S., Canadian, and Mexican economies have all benefited from NAFTA. Not as…
Over 80 companies came to Hitec Group Demoday
Advertising Last September Grupo Hi-Tec held a big open house (DemoDay) inviting people to come tour their facilities, conference rooms,…
Tax Reform and its Impact on Maquiladoras
By Carlos Angulo, Congressman The recent amendments made by Mexican Congress to the different tax laws will have a severe…
Manufacturing in Mexico in 2020
Innovation and the quest for a competitive industrial policy By Sergio Ornelas, MEXICONOW’s Editor De-globalization, de-industrialization, innovation, re-shoring, regionalization, nanotechnology…
Interpuerto Monterrey
The Largest Inland Port in Mexico MEXICONOW Staff Report Interpuerto Monterrey is not only Mexico’s largest inland port, besides its…
Statistics Issue 68
29 April, 2014On Mexico Issue 68
29 April, 2014Rodolfo Ramirez: “Mexico is becoming a country where more and more businessmen and executives from other countries are coming to…
29 April, 2014Aguascalientes, the Fastest Growing Automotive Hub in Mexico Aguascalientes is the heart of the most important automotive hub in Mexico….
29 April, 2014BAZZ HOUSTON: Stable and Continuous Growth in the Metal Stamping Industry MEXICONOW Staff Report For over 50 years the Bazz…
Electoral and Political Reforms in Mexico
29 April, 2014Is it advancement in democracy? By Carlos Angulo Many people say that the political and electoral reforms recently passed by…
Enrique Peña Nieto
29 April, 2014Enrique Peña Nieto: One Year After MEXICONOW Staff Report Mexico, according to the World Bank (WB), is one of the…
Issue 68 Prudential Real Estate Investors
29 April, 2014Partnerships with O´Donnell, Amistad, American Industries, BTS Development and RSMG MEXICONOW Staff Report Prudential Real Estate Investors is the real…
Mexico’s Industrial Real Estate Market
29 April, 2014By Sergio Ornelas, Editor MEXICONOW Because if you earn a salary in Mexico, chances are that a portion of your…
The Energy Reform in Mexico is a real opportunity for economic growth
29 April, 2014By Carlos Angulo, Congressman Petroleum in Mexico has become the biggest National fetish that any country has ever seen. Every…
Prologis Issue 68
29 April, 2014Prologis: A Look at Development in Mexico MEXICONOW Staff Report Overview With the largest platform of logistics and distribution facilities…
New Tax Rules for Maquiladoras in 2014
29 April, 2014Positive changes to awkward original bill By Luis Carbajo Martinez and Juan Carlos Valles The Pena Nieto Administration set an…